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Windows Terminal🔗



Download the latest release from

Install the MSIXBundle by starting a PowerShell with administratior rights:

PS> Add-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_1.2.2381.0_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle

Or install via winget:

PS> winget install "Windows Terminal"


Global configurations (copyOnSelect must be changed):

    "disabledProfileSources": [ "Windows.Terminal.Azure" ],
    "theme": "dark",
    "launchMode": "maximized",

    // If enabled, selections are automatically copied to your clipboard.
    "copyOnSelect": true

Default settings for all profiles:

            "fontFace": "Hack NF",
            "fontSize" : 14,
            "cursorShape": "filledBox",
            "colorScheme": "Tomorrow Night"

Add Cygwin bash:

                "guid": "{a1f2ceb2-795d-4f2a-81cc-723cceec49c0}",
                "name": "Cygwin bash",
                "commandline": "C:/cygwin/bin/bash.exe -i -l",
                "icon": "C:/cygwin/Cygwin-Terminal.ico",
                "hidden": false

Add startingDirectory for all WSL entries:

                "startingDirectory": "//wsl$/Ubuntu-20.04/home/ti5cw"

Define the Tomorrow Night color theme:

    "schemes": [
            "name": "Tomorrow Night",
            "black": "#000000",
            "red": "#cc6666",
            "green": "#b5bd68",
            "yellow": "#f0c674",
            "blue": "#81a2be",
            "purple": "#b294bb",
            "cyan": "#8abeb7",
            "white": "#ffffff",
            "brightBlack": "#000000",
            "brightRed": "#cc6666",
            "brightGreen": "#b5bd68",
            "brightYellow": "#f0c674",
            "brightBlue": "#81a2be",
            "brightPurple": "#b294bb",
            "brightCyan": "#8abeb7",
            "brightWhite": "#ffffff",
            "background": "#1d1f21",
            "foreground": "#c5c8c6"

Change keyboard shortcuts:

        // Change binding from Ctrl+= to Ctrl+ß
        { "command": { "action": "adjustFontSize", "delta": 1 }, "keys": "ctrl+ß" }


  • Copy: Ctrl+Shift+C
  • Paste: Ctrl+Shift+V
  • Find: Ctrl+Shift+F
  • Toggle fullscreen: Alt+Enter
  • Scroll up: Ctrl+Shift+Up / Ctrl+Shift+Page Up
  • Scroll down: Ctrl+Shift+Down / Ctrl+Shift+Page Down
  • Increase Font Size: Ctrl+.
  • Decrease Font Size: Ctrl+-
  • Reset Font Size: Ctrl+0
  • New Tab: Ctrl+Shift+T
  • New Tab with specific Profile:
    • Ctrl+Shift+1
    • Ctrl+Shift+2
    • ...
  • Move between Tabs:
    • Ctrl+Tab
    • Ctrl+Shift+Tab
  • Open spefic Tab:
    • Ctrl+Alt+1
    • Ctrl+Alt+2
    • ...
  • New Pane: Alt+Shift+D
  • Split Pane horizontal: Alt+Shift+-
  • Split Pane vertical: Alt+Shift++
  • Switch between Panes:
    • Alt+Up
    • Alt+Down
    • Alt+Left
    • Alt+Right
  • Resize current Pane:
    • Alt+Shift+Up
    • Alt+Shift+Down
    • Alt+Shift+Left
    • Alt+Shift+Right
  • Close current Pane: Ctrl+Shift+W
  • Close Window: Alt+F4