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BitLocker is a proprietary volume encryption tool includes in Microsoft Windows. Without any configuration BitLocker using TPM. When using TPM on start of the computer no password needs to be entered.

The command line command manage-bde can be used to turn on BitLocker and monitor the current status.


BitLocker can be configured through group policies or directly with registry keys.


This configuration settings requires at least Windows 10, older versions of Windows use different options.

Group Policies🔗

The group policies are changed in the domain controller or locally via gpedit.msc.

Use without TPM🔗

To enable password protected volume encryption the following group policy needs to be enabled (see

  • Computers Configuration
    • Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components
      • BitLocker Drive Encryption
        • Operating System Drives
          • Require additional authentication at startup: Enable
            • Allow BitLocker without a compatible TPM (requires a password or a startup key on a USB flash drive): Checked
            • Configure TPM startup: Do not allow TPM
            • Configure TPM startup PIN : Do not allow startup PIN with TPM
            • Configure TPM startup key: Do not allow startup key with TPM
            • Configure TPM startup key and PIN: Do not allow startup key and PIN with TPM

Enable better encryption🔗

To use 256-bit AES encryption instead of the 128-bit default, the following group policies must be defined (see

  • Computers Configuration
    • Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components
      • BitLocker Drive Encryption
        • Choose drive encryption method and cipher strength (Windows 10 [Version 1511] and later)
          • Select the encryption method for operating system drives: XTS-AES 256-bit
          • Select the encryption method for fixed data drives: XTS-AES 256-bit
          • Select the encryption method for removable data drives: XTS-AES 256-bit

Registry Settings🔗

Use without TPM🔗

To enable password protected volume encryption the following registry entries need to be defined:


  • UseAdvancedStartup: DWORD:1
  • EnableBDEWithNoTPM: DWORD:1
  • UseTPM: DWORD:0
  • UseTPMKey: DWORD:0

Enable better encryption🔗

To use 256-bit AES encryption instead of the 128-bit default, the following registry entries must be defined:


  • EncryptionMethodWithXtsOs: DWORD:7
  • EncryptionMethodWithXtsFdv: DWORD:7
  • EncryptionMethodWithXtsRdv: DWORD:4

Enable encryption🔗

Enable BitLocker with a password (must be at least 8 characters):

PS> manage-bde.exe -on C: -password

Using abbreviations:

PS> manage-bde.exe -on C: -pw

To enable the encryption, the computer needs to be restarted: shutdown /r /t 0.


The keyboard layout can be different during password prompt of BitLocker. Therefore be prepared, if the password is misspelled that you used a key that has a different mapping.


If the keyboard layout is different or you misspelled the password press ++ESC++ to boot without BitLocker enabled. The password needs to be set again.

Check status🔗

After first successful restart, the encryption of the volume is starting. The current progress can be monitored with:

PS> manage-bde.exe -status C:
BitLocker Drive Encryption: Configuration Tool version 10.0.22621
Copyright (C) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Volume C: [Windows]
[OS Volume]

    Size:                 69,13 GB
    BitLocker Version:    2.0
    Conversion Status:    Used Space Only Encrypted
    Percentage Encrypted: 100,0%
    Encryption Method:    AES 256
    Protection Status:    Protection On
    Lock Status:          Unlocked
    Identification Field: Unknown
    Key Protectors:

Add Numerical Password (as Fallback)🔗

The numerical password is enabled with the following command:

PS> manage-pde -protectors -add C: -recoverypassword

or by using abbreviations:

PS> manage-bde.exe -protectors -add C: -rp

To get the protector methods:

PS> manage-bde.exe -protectors -get C:
BitLocker Drive Encryption: Configuration Tool version 10.0.22621
Copyright (C) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Volume C: [Windows]
All Key Protectors

    Numerical Password:
      ID: {89701158-94B4-42D2-87EB-82B8A03E45CD}

      ID: {B1129007-8A8C-4398-BC67-0F608F771ABD}

The RecoveryPassword is called numerical password and the value is visible. Please store this recovery password in case you forget your password.

Change Password🔗

The password can only be changed if a secondary protector is enabled (i.e., a numerical recovery password):

PS> manage-pde -changepassword C:


The following PowerShell script enable BitLocker on C::

if ((Get-BitLockerVolume C:).EncryptionMethod -ne "None") {
  Write-Host ""
  Write-Host "Volume C: is already encrypted" -ForegroundColor red
  Get-BitLockerVolume C: | Select-Object *
  Write-Host "Disable BitLocker: " -NoNewLine
  Write-Host "Disable-BitLocker -MountPoint C:" -ForegroundColor yellow
  Exit 1

function Set-RegistryProperty {
  Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
    [String] $Path,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1)]
    [String] $Name,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=2)]
    [String] $Type,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=3)]
    [Object] $Value

  if (-not (Test-Path $Path)) {
    New-Item -Path $Path -Force > $null
  if ((Get-Item $Path).Property -contains $Name) {
    Set-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name `
                     -Type $Type -Value $Value -Force > $null
  } else {
    New-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name `
                     -PropertyType $Type -Value $Value -Force > $null

Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Configure Bitlocker without TPM and better encryption"
$properties = `
  @{Name = 'UseAdvancedStartup';          Type = 'DWORD'; Value = 1}, `
  @{Name = 'EnableBDEWithNoTPM';          Type = 'DWORD'; Value = 1}, `
  @{Name = 'UseTPM';                      Type = 'DWORD'; Value = 0}, `
  @{Name = 'UseTPMPIN';                   Type = 'DWORD'; Value = 0}, `
  @{Name = 'UseTPMKey';                   Type = 'DWORD'; Value = 0}, `
  @{Name = 'UseTPMKeyPIN';                Type = 'DWORD'; Value = 0}, `
  @{Name = 'EncryptionMethodWithXtsOs';   Type = 'DWORD'; Value = 7}, `
  @{Name = 'EncryptionMethodWithXtsFdv';  Type = 'DWORD'; Value = 7}, `
  @{Name = 'EncryptionMethodWithXtsRdv';  Type = 'DWORD'; Value = 4}

ForEach ($property in $properties) {
  Set-RegistryProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\FVE' `
                       -Name $property.Name `
                       -Type $property.Type -Value $property.Value

Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Activate Bitlocker"
Enable-BitLocker -MountPoint C: -PasswordProtector
Enable-BitLocker -MountPoint C: -RecoveryPasswordProtector `
                                -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Reboot: " -NoNewLine
Write-Host "shutdown /r /t 0" -ForegroundColor yellow
Write-Host ""