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Debugging Slim Containers🔗

In order to debug a slim or distroless container the Nixery can be used.

Start a simple slim container:

$ docker run --rm -p 8080:80 --name slim-container traefik/whoami

Attach a debug container based on Nixery (with the packages ps, tree, and vim) to the slim container namespaces pid and network.

$ docker run \
           -it --rm \
           --name debugger \
           --pid container:slim-container \
           --network container:slim-container \

Now the processes of the slim container are visible.

# ps -e
UID          PID    PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
0              1       0  0 18:28 ?        00:00:00 /whoami
0             18       0  0 18:29 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
0             24      18  0 18:30 pts/0    00:00:00 ps -ef

The filesystem of the slim container is visible under /proc/1/root.

# ls /proc/1/root
dev  etc  proc  sys  usr  whoami

To work directly on the filesystem of the slim container you need to chroot into /proc/1/root. In order to use the tools from the Nixery image the directories /bin and /nix must be accessible from the filesystem of the slim container. This can only be achieved via the /proc filesystem.

# ln -s /proc/$$/root/bin /proc/1/root/nix-bin
# ln -s /proc/$$/root/nix /proc/1/root/nix
# export PATH=${PATH}:/nix-bin
# chroot /proc/1/root /nix-bin/bash

Now you can debug a running slim container from within and use every tool you like.



A tool for container debugging. Based on the ideas descripted in the blog post "Docker: How To Debug Distroless And Slim Containers" from Ivan Velichko


At DockerCon 2023 docker debug was announced.