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To see messages from other users and the system, add the current user to the group systemd-journal.

Display Logs🔗

From the Current Boot🔗

journalctl -b

Show the past boots

journalctl --list-boots

Time Window🔗

journalctl --since "2020-01-01" --until "2020-01-02 17:15:00"


journalctl --since yesterday --until "1 hour ago"

Kernel Messages🔗

journalctl -k


By Priority🔗

Priority: emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, debug

journalctl -p err -b

By Facility🔗

Facility: kern, mail, syslog, local0, ...

journalctl --facility=auth

Get list of facilities: journalctl --facility=help

By Unit🔗

Get list of systemd units: systemctl list-units

journalctl -u ssh
journalctl -u ssh.service
journalctl --unit ssh

By Identifier🔗

journalctl -t sshd
journalctl --identifier=sshd

By Field🔗

Get a description of available fields: man systemd.journal-fields

Query which entries exist for a speficic field:

journalctl -F _UID
journalctl -F _PID

List all entries in the journal for a specific field:

journalctl _PID=9099

By Pattern🔗

Grep a pattern in the message text.

Find case insensitive all entry with message containing error:

journal -g "error"

Disk Usage🔗

journalctl --disk-usage

Clear the history

journalctl --vacuum-time=1week