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General initialization of Neovim that is not handled by a plugin or NvChad.

General settings🔗

Highlight the columns textwidth+0 and textwidth+20. The default value of textwidth is 80.

vim.opt.colorcolumn = '+0,+20'

🚧 TODO move to overrides or configs

-- LuaSnip uses rafamadriz/friendly-snippets
-- extend in snipmate format
vim.g.snipmate_snippets_path = vim.fn.stdpath "config" .. "/lua/custom/snippets"

File Types🔗

Add file types to specific file name patterns ( see vim.filetype). The file type yaml.docker-compose and yaml.ansible is used for choosing a more specific LSP server.

  pattern = {
    -- SSH config
    ['.*/.ssh/config.d/.*'] = 'sshconfig',
    -- rofi config
    ['.*/.*.rasi'] = 'css',
    -- Docker compose
    ['compose.ya?ml'] = 'yaml.docker-compose',
    ['docker-compose.ya?ml'] = 'yaml.docker-compose',
    -- Ansible
    ['.*/playbooks/.*.ya?ml'] = 'yaml.ansible',
    ['.*/playbooks/.*/.*.ya?ml'] = 'yaml.ansible',
    ['.*/roles/.*/tasks/.*.ya?ml'] = 'yaml.ansible',
    ['.*/roles/.*/handlers/.*.ya?ml'] = 'yaml.ansible',

Securing gopass🔗

The tool gopass might use Neovim for editing secrets. Therefore, backup files or other external information storage must be disabled.

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({"BufNewFile", "BufRead"}, {
  pattern = {'/dev/shm/gopass*'},
  callback = function(ev)
    vim.opt_local.swapfile = false
    vim.opt_local.backup = false
    vim.opt_local.undofile = false
    vim.opt_local.shadafile = "NONE"