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Scripts for Nmap

Nmap ("Network Mapper") is a utility for network discovery and security auditing.

Besides basic network discovery and port scanning, Nmap has a builtin scripting engine (NSE). With this scripting engine more complex network tasks can be created. The Nmap installation comes with a wide variety of scripts (/usr/share/nmap/scripts). The scripts can be applied for each host or service found during network discovery, or before and after the scan.

Containers 101 - chroot (Part I)

In this series the concept of containerization is presented by looking at the mechanisms behind the scenes. Before modern concepts like cgroups etc. are described, the main idea behind bundling an execution environment is introduced by using a chroot environment.

brltty and Generic Serial Converter

Distributions based on Ubuntu have brltty enabled by default. Some braille displays do not change the ids of those converters and therefore brltty claims the serial device and no device file /dev/ttyUSBx is created. In the following some solutions to this problem are presented.